Never Ending

You round the corner bare feet scraping and sliding on the slick, grimey ground. Eyes widening, you faintly make out fallen tree in your path. I can make it you say to yourself. Picking up speed, thighs burning as you approach the tree. "Jump!" a voice in your head says. "NOW". You jump knees shaking from the sheer force of buckling on impact. You land wobbly on the black pavement that blended with the night sky seeming endless. You made it over the fallen tree.
"Run" that little voice in the back of your head tells you. You dig your toes into the cold and unforgiving ground. You push, pushing harder and harder. The feel of your heart pounding like a drum as if it will pound out of your chest at second. Barely breathing, lungs on fire you greedily gulp down air. Faster that little voice tells you.
The falling rain blurs your vision. Your foot lands in a shallow hole splashing rainwater up into your nostrils and mouth. You are overwhelmed with the sweet aroma of ozone. The rain tastes salty on your red wind-chapped lips Thunder cracks across the sky mercilessly deafening your ears. The blinding light comes only a moment delay later, you stumble eyes blurry from the light. The sky is dark again.
"Keep going, you have to keep going", that voice in your head pipes up again. You involuntarily shiver the wet thin clothing sticking to your paling, freezing skin. The warm and sunny rays of summer nowhere to be seen.
Gusts of rain send you stumbling you slip on a patch of rain. The world is a blur as your feet slip beneath you. Your falling in slow motion. You land hard on the dense ground. The air is knocked out of your lungs. You can feel the grains of pavement in your palms stinging, blossoms of blood forming. You’d bit your tongue during the fall, the metallic taste of blood filling your mouth. "Get up" the voice says. "And don’t look back".